Obtaining a fully complete and error-free genome sequence is virtually impossible, and even a good approximation is often a complicated and costly endeavour. It is therefore wise to select an approach that optimizes those aspects of the genome sequence that are most important for the success of a given project. One should realize that obtaining a genome sequence by itself is seldom the goal, but instead is a mean to achieve a goal. In this seminar we will investigate the currently leading sequencing, assembly and annotation methods, examine their benefits and drawbacks, and explore possibilities for their combination.
(1) Basics, performed individually. Reading of the review A field guide to whole-genome sequencing, assembly and annotation, Ekblom et al., 2014.https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.12178 and answering of the accompanying general questions about genome sequencing, assembly and gene prediction. Some of the questions require a little extra information outside of the indicated review, which can be obtained by searching the internet (e.g. through Google).