Plants are infested with whiteflies six weeks after sowing. Five synchronized whitefly females (one to two days old) (n) were anesthetized with CO2 and put into a clip-on cage (2 cm in diameter and 1 cm in height) and placed immediately on the abaxial of a leaflet of the 3rd or 4th leaf from the apex. Five clip-on cages with each 5 females were attached per plant. Four days after infestation (d) the clip-on cages were removed from the leaves and the dead and living whiteflies (m) were counted. The number of eggs (e) was counted under a stereo microscope (10x magnifications). The clip-on cages were reassembled at their original positions on each leaflet before new adult whiteflies started to emerge from the eggs. From these tests the Adult Survival (AS) and the Oviposition Rate (OR) of the white flies are calculated. These parameters are used to determine the level of resistance of a plant.
n: is total number of synchronized whitefly females (one to two days old) Five clip-on cages with each 5 females were attached per plant.