Versies vergeleken


  • Deze regel is toegevoegd.
  • Deze regel is verwijderd.
  • Formattering is gewijzigd.

Unlike cover materials, which have fixed optical properties, energy screens installed in the greenhouse can be deployed on and stowed on demand, enabling better control of these properties with changing seasons and light availabilities.

When the screens are closed, part of the thermal infrared (heat) radiation from inside the greenhouse is transmitted, reflected, or absorbed and emitted by the screen material - thus the . In this way, the screens reduce radiative heat losses towards the cold roof and outside the greenhouse are reduced due to the screens. The air permeability of the screen also allows or restricts transfer of heat through the screen by air-convection - the lower the air permeability, the lower is the loss of greenhouse heat when the screen is closed.


Energy screens can be aluminized, or transparent. Transparent screens can even be used during daytime in winters for retaining heat but at the same time minimizing the loss in production. However, usage of an energy screen always lowers the total PAR transmission, hence screen management is crucial to balance energy-saving with light-loss and potential yield loss.

Screen management is typically done by defining radiation and temperature levels above/below which the screen should close:

  • Radiation is not as important a criterion for energy screens as for blackout screens - the screens are typically kept open during hours with sunlight to minimize light loss, and closed during night time. During warmer months, screens may be partially closed (e.g. 80%) at night to facilitate air exchange for cooling and humidity control.

  • The temperature is an important criterion for maximum heat retention under cooler night-time or winter-time conditions. Especially for temperate winter conditions, energy screens may also be needed during daytime, and a ‘close below’ temperature criterion is defined where the screen is kept closed at lower temperatures despite some potential solar radiation loss.


  • Also when screens are completely stowed there can be significant air axchange exchange due to leakage.

  • Low permeability (air-tight) could require more frequent use of a screen gap, in order to control excess heat or humidity.


The more hours an energy screen is used, the more energy can be saved. In practice this means that the screen should be deployed longer in the morning and earlier in the evening.

Screen management by defining radiation criteria ‘Close above’

In cold periods when screens are needed in daytime, define a temperature criterion ‘close below’

The air permeability of the screen also impacts the permeability of water vapour and CO2 through the screen - thus affecting the humidity and CO2 concentration in the greenhouse. Due to increased humidity levels under airtight screens, additional dehumidification systems might be required.

Possible steps towards sustainable, energy-efficient greenhouses

Better insulation = more energy saving. (add some numbers)

More transparent + insulating screens = less compromise with production while retaining insulating properties. Moving towards the goal of : impermeable + low emissivity + low thermal infrared transmissivityMore intensive usage of screens - such as by closing screens for longer hours, especially during night time, and by using double screens - significantly improves insulation, and thus energy-saving. Some model calculations have shown that even adapting the criteria to close or open a normal screen can save up to 30 MJ/m2 energy per year. Adding a screen with a high insulating value can further decrease the energy demand by 115 MJ/m2 per year.

In general development and usage of screens that retain maximum PAR transparency, but are highly insulating and airtight, will retain energy in the greenhouse without compromising production. The desirable properties for screens are: high PAR transmission, low thermal transmittance - which is a combination of low thermal conductivity, low air permeability, low emissivity and low thermal infrared transmissivity.