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The wiki describes for all relevant aspects of greenhouse horticulture the contribution to the energy household and resource use of a greenhouses and the possible steps Possible steps towards sustainable, fossil-free greenhouses. This starts with the big picture of the global climate agreement and the energy transition in
Europe and the Netherlands, including the impact for Dutch suppliers and horticultural entrepreneurs when they consider to invest in new greenhouse equipment and technology. Scenarios can be studied for different geographical locations, different greenhouse types and covering materials. Next the different technical solutions and devices which are commonly used in modern greenhouses are described. Currently this equipment is mostly powered by fossil energy, which meanst means that alternatives will have to be applied when going towards fossilefossil-free greenhouses. For energy commodities there are renewable sources and some adaptations on greenhouse equipment affects the water consumption as well. Therefore, the Greenhouse Energy Guide also keeps track of water use as well.

As an illustration, some detailed composed roadmaps scenarios towards fossil free greenhouses are described and quantified t last some of . From these, the most promising scenario studies roadmaps are described and quantified with simulation resultsderived and discussed in detail.

Simulation tool

The Greenhouse Energy Guide comes also with an interactive simulation tool which enables users to recalculate scenarios from the roadmap for changed assumptions on economical parameters or to explore the perspective of sustainable techniques for other geographical locations than the ones shown in this wiki. The tool consists of a menu with a wide range of technical solutions for designing a sustainable, climate neutral and fossil free greenhouses in an economically viable wayorder to study their technical and economical viability in dependence of local conditions.


For the standard greenhouse equipment, users can choose from a.o. The tool provides most information when alternative options are compared to a reference. The reference greenhouse is defined in terms of the greenhouse type (glass, foil, naturally ventilated or mechanically cooled) and heating and cooling equipment (combined heat and power, mechanical cooling, forced ventilation, active dehumidification, fogging, pad & fan and various types of greenhouse covering materials. Of course screens ). Screens and artificial illumination equipment of different types are available.

The available sustainable energy systems include a.o. heat pumps (with or without aquifer), geothermal energy, biomass, wind turbines, and solar panels and batteries. Also the added value of batteries can be studied.

The simulation tool can be found here.
