Versies vergeleken


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  • Deze regel is verwijderd.
  • Formattering is gewijzigd.


The greenhouse can be passively cooled by opening the ventilation windows, or vents, to exchange air between the inside and outside of the greenhouse. (Note: natural ventilation means no use of fans - air is exchanged solely due to the buoyancy of the lighter, warmer air in the greenhouse which rises to the vents, and due to wind flow).


Contribution to energy balance and resource use of greenhouses:

Energy balance:

Provides a way to discharge excess energy out of the greenhouse by exchanging hot and humid air from inside the greenhouse with the colder, drier air from outside.  

Water use:

Along with releasing energy, vents also remove water vapour from the greenhouse, reducing the humidity. This may be undesirable in regions with water scarcity.


Vents also affect the CO2 balance :
