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Careful tailoring of the lighting strategy based on crop/climate requirements, accounting for the heating effects of lamps in the climate control, developing/using more energy-efficient lighting, and switching to renewable/sustainable sources for the energy input for the lighting can improve the energy-efficiency of artificially-illuminated greenhouses. Apart from technical developments of light sources, energy savings could also be realized by adaptations of the technical layout and positioning of lights, such as combining top-lighting and inter-lighting.


Articles and reports:

Energy savings in greenhouses by transition from high-pressure sodium to LED lighting (2021)

What is the difference between LED and HPS growth lights (Philips lighting)

Webinar LED-belichting, Gevolgen overschakelen van SON T naar LED? (2020)

Denkkader licht - Naar een effectief gebruik van LED belichting in de glastuinbouw (2020)

De basisprincipes van het Het Nieuwe Telen (2016)

Stuurlicht in de Glastuinbouw - Kansen voor energiebesparing? (2015)