Textile fabrics can be woven or knitted. For hemp the same techniques can be used as for flax (and other fibres). There are different ways of weaving: Flat weaving (§7§, Jacquard weaving (§7§ and terry cloth weaving (§7§ For knitting, 2 techniques are available: Weft knitting (§7§ and warp knitting (§7§ Prior to weaving, some preparatory activities are required (§7§7.4.1). After weaving, often finishing of textiles (§7§7.4.4) and after-treatments are applied (§7§7.4.5).
§7.4.1 Voorbereiding wevenWeaving preparation
§7.4.4 Veredelen in het productieprocesFinishing in the production process
§7.4.5 NabehandelenAfter treatment
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