As mentioned in §2§2.1, hemp is best grown under contract and the buyer of the crop usually supplies the seed and provides cultivation advice as well. When choosing a specific variety a number of factors play an important role: the intended application, the desired quality of the intended material, the yield per hectare, the soil conditions and the climatic conditions (§3§3.2). For example, different varieties and growing conditions are desired for application in textiles (§3§3.3) than those highly suitable for technical applications such as composites (§3§3.4). Also, as for all crops, the seed should be certified (§3§3.1).
§3.1 Gecertificeerd zaadCertified seeds
§3.2 Bodem en klimaatSoil and climate
§3.3 Rassen voor textiel3 Varieties for textile production
§3.4 Rassen voor technische toepassingen4 Varieties for technical applications
§3.5 Voorbehandeling van zaad5 Pre-treatment of seeds for sowing
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