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Silvafeed Nutri P/ENC is een extract van hout van de tamme kastanje, rijk aan polyfenolen. 



Te gebruiken hoeveelheid: 0.05 - 0.3% (0.5 - 3 g/Kg) 


Eiben Cs., Gippert T., Gódor-Surmann K., Kustos K. 2008. Feed additives as they affect the fattening performance of rabbits. 9th World Rabbit Congress – June 10-13, 2008 – Verona – Italy, chapter Nutrition and Digestive Physiology, 625-629

Gai, F., Gasco, L., Schiavone, A., Zoccarato, I. 2011. Nutritional effects of chestnut tannins in poultry and rabbit. (book chapter). In: Tannins: Types, Foods Containing, and Nutrition, 297-306.

Gutierrez-Banuelos, H., Pinchak, W.E., Min, B.R., Carstens, G.E., Anderson, R.C., Tedeschi, L.O., Krueger, W.K., Krueger, N.A., Lancaster, P.A., Gomez, R.R. 2011. Effects of feed-supplementation and hide-spray application of two sources of tannins on enteric and hide bacteria of feedlot cattle. J Environ Sci Health B. 46, 360-5.

Lavin, S.R. 2012. Plant phenolics and their potential role in mitigating iron overload disorder in wild animals. J Zoo Wildl Med. 43 (3 Suppl): S74-82.

Maertens L., Štruklec M. 2006. Technical note: preliminary results with a tannin extract on the performance and mortality of growing rabbits in an enteropathy infected environment. Word Rabbit Science 14, 189-192.

Zigger, D. 2006. Nibbling at the chestnut tree may improve health. Feed Tech 10.8., 12-15.
