These days many innovations are taking place through and in the food system. There is quite a debate about our food and how it is produced. Although this process is a slow one, more and more consumers are willing to make a conscious choice for healthier and more sustainable food. A healthier food pattern has positive effects on public health and health care costs. A sustainable food pattern has positive effects on the environment and the (city) landscape.
This Groen Kennisnet Wiki students can study individually or in groups.
The food innovations are subdivided in 8 subjects: Protein transition, Urban agriculture, Local food, Healthy products, Customized food, Online stores and web platforms, Food events and Food waste.
The wiki Food transition has been developed by the Dutch Leernetwerk Food and Groen Kennisnet.
Authors and cooperators:
- H. Mols
- M. Warnaar
- B. Methorst
- S.J. Sijtsema
- H. Dagevos
- M.C. Onwezen
- P.T.M. Ingenbleek
- H.J.M. Kortstee
- R.A. van Genderen
- C. van der Togt
- L.G. Persoon
Food Transition
The study material in Food Transition can be used by teachers in MBO and HBO. It has been developed in the Learning Network Food commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality .
Food transition uses the Groen Kennisnet wiki tool.
Authors and contributors:
Hil Mols (Citaverde College), Marleen Warnaar (Aeres MBO), Barbara van Mossevelde (HAS) and Brigitta Methorst (Aeres Hogeschool)
Hans Dagevos, Siet Sijtsema, Marleen Onwezen and Harry Kortstee (Wageningen Economic Research)
Paul Ingenbleek (Wageningen University & Research, Marktkunde en Consumentengedrag)
Rob van Genderen, Celeste van der Togt and Linda Persoon (Groen Kennisnet)
Veranderend Eetpatroon, dossier Groen Kennisnet
Leernetwerk veranderend eetpatroon, presentation Wageningen University and Research, 2017
Voedselinnovaties in Nederland, brochure Wageningen University and Research, 2016
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
In your publication, refer to this wiki as follows
Groen Kennisnet (2018), Food transition (EN), consulted on [date] of [Food Transition Home].
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