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  • Tomato cultivation without artificial illumination in a modern glass greenhouse inThe United Arab Emirates

  • No shading screens are used

  • The temperature setpoints are equal across scenarios (a consequence of RTR-based temperature control), as light conditions are equal across scenarios



The cold production is expressed below as net sensible cooling power provided to the greenhouse by each cooling system. The pad and fan system also produces latent cooling power via evaporative cooling. The combined sensible and latent cooling power of pad and fan (3.2) was comparable with the sensible cooling power of mechanical cooling (3.3-3.4).

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The water use of the natural ventilation Scenario (3.1) provides an indicator for comparison. The pad and fan system (3.2) requires tremendous amounts of water, which are lost to the exterior air. The closed greenhouse allows the mechanical cooling system to regain a significant share of transpiration (3.3-3.4). As a result, the pad and fan system requires ~5 times more water than the mechanical cooling system.



  • Scenario with lowest energy use:
    Natural ventilation (4.1) logically requires the lowest energy use. Using cooling can increase energy use, variable costs and crop production significantly. When cooling is applied, pad and fan systems (3.2) require the lowest energy use.

  • Scenario with lowest CO2 emissions in future energy net:
    The CO2 footprint is the direct result of the CO2 footprint of the local energy mix, as no fossil fuels were used for the operation of these greenhouses. In a fully renewable energy network, the CO2 footprint would remain zero across Scenarios. Water use is at the moment not included in the CO2 footprint of the greenhouse.

  • Scenario with lowest CO2 emissions in current energy net:
    The CO2 footprint is the direct result of the CO2 footprint of the local energy mix, as no fossil fuels were used for the operation of these greenhouses. In a mixed energy network, the CO2 footprint is proportional to the energy use. Water use is at the moment not included in the CO2 footprint of the greenhouse.

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Scenario 1

Scenario 2
