1.7 Meer informatie

1.7 Meer informatie

Voor boeren die willen meer weten over agroforestry en fruit- en notenteelt er zijn een aantal informatiebronnen in het Nederlands:

Engelstalige informatiebronnen:

Overige gebruikte bronnen:

  • Boinot, S., Fried, G., Storkey, J., Metcalfe, H., Barkaoui, K., Lauri, P. É., & Mézière, D. (2019). Alley cropping agroforestry systems: Reservoirs for weeds or refugia for plant diversity?. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 284, 106584. Gibbs, S., Koblents, H., Coleman, B., Gordon, A.,
  • Mézière, D. (2016). Arable weeds in alley cropping agroforestry systems-results of a first year survey. In 3rd European Agroforestry Conference Montpellier, 23-25 May 2016. EURAF.
  • Nii-Annang, S., Grünewald, H., Freese, D., Hüttl, R. F., & Dilly, O. (2009). Microbial activity, organic C accumulation and 13 C abundance in soils under alley cropping systems after 9 years of recultivation of quaternary deposits. Biology and fertility of soils, 45(5), 531-538.
  • Nuberg, I. K. (1998). Effect of shelter on temperate crops: a review to define research for Australian conditions. Agroforestry Systems, 41(1), 3-34.
  • Palma, J. H., Graves, A. R., Bunce, R. G. H., Burgess, P. J., De Filippi, R., Keesman, K. J., ... & Reisner, Y. (2007). Modeling environmental benefits of silvoarable agroforestry in Europe. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 119(3-4), 320-334.
  • Quinkenstein, A., Woellecke, J., Böhm, C., Grünewald, H., Freese, D., Schneider, B. U., & Hüttl, R. F. (2009). Ecological benefits of the alley cropping agroforestry system in sensitive regions of Europe. Environmental Science & Policy, 12(8), 1112-1121.
  • Ryszkowski, L., & Kędziora, A. (2007). Modification of water flows and nitrogen fluxes by shelterbelts. Ecological Engineering, 29(4), 388-400.
  • Staton, T., Walters, R. J., Smith, J., & Girling, R. D. (2019). Evaluating the effects of integrating trees into temperate arable systems on pest control and pollination. Agricultural Systems, 176, 102676.
  • Thevathasan, N., & Wiliams, P. (2016). Avian diversity in a temperate tree-based intercropping system from inception to now. Agroforestry Systems, 90(5), 905-916.
  • Torralba, M., Fagerholm, N., Burgess, P. J., Moreno, G., & Plieninger, T. (2016). Do European agroforestry systems enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services? A meta-analysis. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 230, 150-161.
  • Tsonkova, P., Böhm, C., Quinkenstein, A., & Freese, D. (2012). Ecological benefits provided by alley cropping systems for production of woody biomass in the temperate region: a review. Agroforestry Systems, 85(1), 133-152
  • Van Noordwijk, M., Lawson, G., Hairiah, K., & Wilson, J. (2015). Root distribution of trees and crops: competition and/or complementarity. Tree–Crop Interactions: Agroforestry in a Changing Climate. CABI, Wallingford, UK, 221-257
  • Varah, A., Jones, H., Smith, J., & Potts, S. G. (2013). Enhanced biodiversity and pollination in UK agroforestry systems. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(9), 2073-2075
  • Williams, P.; Koblents, H.; Gordon, A. Bird use of an intercropped corn field and old field in southern Ontario, Canada. In Proceedings of the 4th North American Agroforestry Conference, Boise, ID, USA, 23–28 July 1995