Sowing is the most decisive step in the whole cultivation process. A good start for fibre hemp is of importance for root development and an even start is important for homogeneous growth of the plants. For this reason, hemp is preferably sown in warm (10° to 12° Celsius, minimum 8° Celsius) and moist soil. These conditions usually occur in the period from late April to mid-May. However, weather forecasts should be carefully consulted as they might have a major impact. Night frosts during emergence should be avoided.
‘Apparent fibre use’
In the Netherlands, hemp cultivation has so far only been allowed in open fields. In addition, the cultivation should only be intended for "apparent fibre use" (“Kennelijk vezelgebruik”). Other plant parts such as leaves, side branches, flowers, seeds and, if desired, roots should be by-products (for now) in market value and volume.
Even though this is not mandatory, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO) advises -due to social sensitivity- to inform the police before sowing; this to avoid any confusion. It is also advisable to ask the municipality and/or province whether there are any objections to growing hemp in certain areas before sowing. Specific requirements might be enforced in other countries.
Sowing conditions depend on the main application (§5.1.1 – 5.1.3).