In this practicum we focus on several research papers. By answering questions you will learn details on QTL mapping, working with a genome browser and several ways how candidate genes can be selected. The main findings will be presented to the group in a short power-point presentation.
- Article 1. The genome of Chenopodium quinoa. Jarvis et al 2017, Nature 542: 307-312. Https:// (open access)
- Task 1: Read the Title and the Abstract of the paper, the first section of the Introduction and Section “Mechanisms underlying saponin production” and answer the following questions about the crop Chenopodium quinoa (Quinoa)
- Task 2: Linkage mapping and bulk segregant analysis
- Task 3: Creation of mapping populations (read Supplementary information 7.1.1 and 7.2.1.)
- Task 4: Genotyping (see Supplementary information 7.2.2) and Bulked segregant analysis (see Supplementary information 7.2.3)
Experiment Quinoa. Picture: Rene Smulders, WUR Plant Research department.