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This project received financial support from the knowledge and innovation agenda (KIA) for agriculture, water, food, in the context of ‘Kennis op Maat’ (Customized Knowledge) and was implemented by the Wageningen Research Foundation (WR), Hempflax, Ekoboerderij de Lingehof, Giesen Crop Research, JKD International/CropFour, Pantanova, Polisema, Ghent University of Applied Sciences, Saxion, HAS Den Bosch, LTO Noord, European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA). Within the KIA, business, knowledge institutions and government work together on innovations for safe and healthy food (and a green living environment) for 9 billion people in a resilient world.
Martien van den Oever (WFBR)
Gerard Hosper (HempFlax)
Sofie Vermeire (HoGent)
Michiel Scheffer (Polisema)
Jan Mahy (Saxion)
With support from:
Dieuwertje de Wagenaar (WFBR)
Paulien Harmsen (WFBR)
Mark Reinders (HempFlax)
Alexandra de Raeve (HoGent)
René Sauveur (Pantanova)
Linda Calciolari (Ekoboerderij de Lingehof)
André Jurrius (Ekoboerderij de Lingehof)
Jesse Dolstra (JKD International/CropFour)
Francesco Mirizzi (EIHA)
Year of publication:
December 2023
Please reference to this wiki in your publication as follows:
Groen Kennisnet 2023, Handboek vezelhennepteelt, -verwerking en -toepassing. Geraadpleegd op [datum] van
De wiki is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-NietCommercieel-GelijkDelen 4.0 Nederland licentie.