Group 2 Long-read and 3rd Gen

Group 2 Long-read and 3rd Gen

When reading the information try to answer and discuss the following questions. Use these questions as a guideline to select information for your presentation.

a)    What are the main long-read sequencing platforms?

b)    How are basepairs identified in PacBio sequencing? And for Nanopore, and for SLR?

c)     How is the order of the basepairs determined with PacBio sequencing? And for Nanopore and SLR?

d)    What are the differences between the sequencing technologies mentioned in (b)?

e)    What is the main long-read sequencing platform?

f)     Give three advantages of long-read sequencing.

g)    Name 3 disadvantages of current long-read technologies.

h)    How can synthetic long read methods give information of long molecules while only using identification of basepairs in short reads?

DNA sequencing at 40, past present and future, Shendure et al., 2017.


The third revolution in sequencing technology, Van Dijk et al., 2018.


PacBio: www.pacb.com

Nanopore: https://nanoporetech.com/applications/dna-nanopore-sequencing

SLR and 10X: https://www.10xgenomics.com/