2.1 Selection of fibre hemp cultivation in consultation with buyer/processor

2.1 Selection of fibre hemp cultivation in consultation with buyer/processor

The hemp plant consists of several components (fibres, shives, leaves, flowers/seeds) that can be used to produce textile fibres, food, animal feed, fibre-reinforced composites for cars or construction, and more. The cultivation of hemp needs to be adapted to the final use. The processor of hemp knows the needs of these markets. Those needs can be specific and change over the years. The quality of the different components of hemp depends on several aspects: the seed variety (Chapter 3), the soil conditions and field cultivation (Ch4), the agronomical and harvesting practices (Ch5), and the processing techniques (Ch6 and 7). Since there are only a few processors who can purchase hemp and further process hemp, it is recommended that the choices for hemp cultivation are made together with the buyer.


§2.1.1 Contract cultivation for ‘short fibres’

§2.1.2 Cultivation of long fibres