Editing scenarios
A new scenario can be created (ADD) and existing scenarios can be loaded with LOAD SCENARIO
New scenarios come with default values for all parameters. Because the values of some parameters depend (heavily) on the type of crop in combination with the geographical location, users must enter the desired crop type and location first. Parameters which are different per location are e.g. covering material and climate setpoints.
Parameters are grouped per topic into collapsable panels.
Parameter values consist of drop down menus:
or numerical values which can be set by moving the slider or entering the desired value in the edit box:
Each parameter has a help function which can be evoked by a mouse click on the parameter name.
… after which a help window appears with additional information about this parameter.
After customizing all parameters, the scenario can be simulated with the START button
Now the model will simulate the greenhouse climate, energy consumption and crop production for one year. After the simulation, which takes about half a minute, the results are shown, grouped per topic and including a help button per group on the right side.
The control panel located at te bottom left corner allows the user to:
Return to the list of scenarios without saving the scenario shanges (BACK TO SCENARIO LIST)
Edit the current scenario (EDIT)
Save the current scenario and stay in the result panel (SAVE SCENARIO)
Discard the changes in the current scenario and stay in the result panel. The results of the changes scenario are removed from the results (DISCARD CHANGES)
Coninue to Analyzing results