The challenges for greenhouse horticulture lie in various areas. Namely: an expansion from seventeen to fifty geothermal heat sources, the construction of heat networks for residual and geothermal heat, the supply of external CO2, the annual new construction of 300 hectares of energy-efficient greenhouses, a structured area approach in all greenhouse horticulture regions, a pioneering approach for innovators and intensification of the Kas program as an energy source. With this, the greenhouse horticulture sector is aiming for an additional CO2 reduction of 1.8 Mton. Compared to current CO2 emissions, this results in a total reduction of 3.4 Mtonnes.
Within the framework of the Climate Agreement, an expert and steering group is active, with entrepreneurs and stakeholders, to prepare the plans for the Climate Agreement. This process is substantively and organizationally supported by Kas als Energiebron. After the adoption of the Climate Agreement, a transition board Greenhouse as Energy Source will be set up to steer the sector approach.