2.1.2 Cultivation of long fibres
Flax growers and processors are particularly interested in hemp for long fibre production. The harvesting and processing of hemp for long fibre is similar to flax, with the difference that hemp seems less susceptible to drought (which is expected to become more common with climate change), it can be grown more frequently in the rotation (once every 3 years instead of once every 6-7 years for flax), and no plant protection products are needed so far. After retting and baling, the hemp straw can be sold to a processor and also stored all year round.
Processors of fibre hemp for ‘long fibres’
Vlasbedrijf Bruijns (Heikant, the Netherlands), Sven Bruijns, sven_95@hotmail.com
Van de Bilt (Sluiskil, the Netherlands), Bart Depourcq, https://vandebiltzadenvlas.com/home/
Albert Brille (Wevelgem, Belgium), http://www.albertbrille.be
Castellins (Wevelgem, Belgium), Laurence Vandecasteele, http://www.castellins.com
Debruyne (Ardooie, Belgium), Geneviève Debruyne, http://www.flax.eu
La Chanvrière (Saint Lye, France), http://lachanvriere.com/en/notre-chanvre-dans-le-textile/
Robrecht Engels Vlasbedrijf (Sint-Laureins, Belgium), robrecht.engels@telenet.be