5.1.1 Sowing for technical applications
For technical applications, 35 kg/ha of seed is sown at a depth of no more than 2-3 cm. A pneumatic sowing machine or mechanical seed drill machine can be used for this purpose. The row spacing is the same as for cereals, 10 - 15 cm. The adjustment depends on the machine; as a guideline, the machine can be adjusted to about 32 kg/ha to sow the desired amount of 35 kg/ha of hemp. It is recommended to check this during sowing. This results in a density of about 100 plants per m2. Sowing should also be done at a depth as even as possible. Deeper and irregular sowing results in lower yields and irregular plant length.
Hemp would normally emerge after 10 to 14 days. If less than 80 plants per m2 emerge, sowing is performed again. If plants are given more space, they grow in diameter, obtaining proportionally less fibre and more wood.