2.74.3. Target values for breeders
3. Compounds in plant that provide nutritional value
5.2. The effects of plant fertilizers on the nutritional value of plants for humans
Effect of soil health on the nutritional value of plants for humans
5.3.1. Examples of scientific difficulties in relating soil health and human health
5.3.2. Links between soil health, plant health and human health
5.4. Effect of Organic farming on the nutritional value of plants for humans
5.5. The effects of light quality and quantity on the nutritional value of plants for humans
5.6. Examples of the impact of cultivar choice on the nutritional value for humans
5.6.1. The effects of genotypical/cultivar differences on plant mineral content
5.6.2. The effects of species (genotypical/cultivar) differences on phytochemical concentration
3. The effects of grafting on plant nutritional value
5.7.1. The living plant product and quality
.2. From preharvest to postharvest quality