Theme G: Food Events
What are Food events?
There is no lack of food festivals in the Netherlands. During the summer you can visit a festival somewhere, every weekend. Food trucks are booming and are an integral part of any festival in the Netherlands. There is an extensive range of food available at a large variety of food festivals.
Why Food events?
There is a quite a hype about everything that has to do with food and cooking. The variety of food and drinks on offer, with music and entertainment in a casual atmosphere, combined with several small snacks from different providers, make a food festival successful and popular.
The interest in starting a career in the restaurant industry has also increased enormously. It's a lot easier and cheaper to share your creativity and cooking for a large audience with a food truck. This led to a variety of food trucks, the one more beautiful than the other. In addition, they offer a variety in the range of smaller dishes and drinks. Through social media they make known where they stand and when. There is even a food truck app that allows you to track all of your favorite food trucks. With the arrival of food trucks, a whole community has also evolved. It is often a complete experience. Everything is just right. The food, the appearance, the clothes and a cozy atmosphere. These people make you happy!
What does it look like in practice and / or what are examples of companies?
There is a big growth of food (truck) festivals and food halls that are an example of fresh, local, sustainable and crafty key concepts. In addition, more and more places offer home-based restaurants and regional markets. Not only the standard fries, hamburger and kebab places, but a much larger offer. BBQ & Grill, bugs, healthy shakes, crêpes, organic, sushi and so on.
Who are the main initiators?
Foodies, those who enjoy cooking and eating, and who like to read and talk about food and who try to earn their living in this field. The movement consists mostly of millennials, who are more educated, health conscious, well-traveled and technologically adapted than previous generations.
For further reading:
Go to Theme H: Food Waste
or go back to Theme F: Online Stores and Web Platforms