11. The Dutch Energy for Transport system

11. The Dutch Energy for Transport system


In this knowledge clip, we will tell you about the Dutch Energy for Transport system and the Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) that is responsible for the system. The European targets for the reduction of CO2-emissions by fuel suppliers are implemented via a market-based mechanism. The use of tradable Renewable Energy Units (called HBE) leads to a cost-effective compliance with transport targets in the Netherlands.

After listening to this knowledge clip, you will be able to answer the following questions:

To register their petrol and diesel deliveries of the previous year in the NEa Registry. And to have sufficient HBE’s of the various types on their account on May first.

Fuel suppliers register the physical deliveries of renewables in de NEa Registry and will receive different type of HBE on their account, depending on the feedstock used. Biofuels need to be sustainable, which must be demonstrated with a Proof of Sustainability.

The revised renewable energy directive (RED3), which needs to be implemented in Dutch legislation in 2025, the ReFuelEU Aviation regulation with an obligation to deliver sustainable aviation fuels, and the new emissions trading system for road transport, buildings and other sectors, the ETS-2.



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